Surviving Widowhood with Writing, Reading, Soccer and Bilingualism

My dear, soccer-playing, profoundly Christian, Colombian husband died in 2005, leaving me with two beautiful boys, Gabriel, 15, and Mario, 13, to raise. As I mourn my husband's loss, I am looking for balance. I need to work as a writer, be a good mother/father, play and teach my sons Spanish!

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Location: Akron, Pennyslvania, United States

I'm the author of 16 books for children. The latest are What's It Like to Be Shakira and What's It Like to Be Marta (both bilingual).Others are biographies of Dolores Huerta, Americo Paredes, and the Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho. My books are published by Mitchell Lane ( and are available through Amazon at my website. Just Click on my profile and then click on my website.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Carl Sandburg!
Yesterday I finally held Carl Sandburg in my hands, more than a year after I first agreed to write a long biography of the well-loved poet. Leafing through the 112-pages filled me with wonder at the fact that that the book was finished. Reading the poetry, articles, letters and speeches of Carl Sandburg for this in-depthy biography was one of the most interesting projects I've done. He was so eloquent and funny and such a patriot. And with each chapter I had to write a detailed article about some historic, cultural or scientific phenomenon that was related to the time. For example, after the chapter in which two of Sandburg's brothers died of diphtheria, I wrote a sidebar about the disease. I think the side articles are an interesting way to provide insight and background into the time's of the subject.


Blogger paulbonesteel said...

Great to hear you have written a new bio of Sandburg. Please see our blog regarding a documentary film that is in the works on Sandburg.

6:03 PM  

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