Surviving Widowhood with Writing, Reading, Soccer and Bilingualism

My dear, soccer-playing, profoundly Christian, Colombian husband died in 2005, leaving me with two beautiful boys, Gabriel, 15, and Mario, 13, to raise. As I mourn my husband's loss, I am looking for balance. I need to work as a writer, be a good mother/father, play and teach my sons Spanish!

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Location: Akron, Pennyslvania, United States

I'm the author of 16 books for children. The latest are What's It Like to Be Shakira and What's It Like to Be Marta (both bilingual).Others are biographies of Dolores Huerta, Americo Paredes, and the Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho. My books are published by Mitchell Lane ( and are available through Amazon at my website. Just Click on my profile and then click on my website.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Dec. 1, 2006
Shakira! Shakira!
When I agreed to write a biography of Shakira all I knew about her was that she was a popular singer and that she was Colombian, like my late husband. I have so much enjoyed delving into her life story, her music, her humor and her politics. In her print interviews, she usually seems pretty earnest and serious. But lately I've been watching interviews of her on and she can be really funny on television. One interviewer asked her (when she was about 20) if she still lives with her parents. She said, "Oh yes, I live with them. I travel with them. I even sleep with them when I get scared at night." What's difficult is trying to figure out what to include and what to leave out when the book is only suspposed to be 3,500 words.


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